Monday, January 23, 2012

Meal Plan 1/23

Another week, another meal plan.

Tuesday: red chili

Wednesday: potluck (we're taking salad)

Thursday: black bean burgers, chips, salad

Friday: potato stuffed peppers in a guajillo chile sauce (recipe coming tomorrow!), rice, beans

Saturday: bean and rice burritos with green chiles (lunch), ribeye, chard, salad, baked potatoes (supper)

Monday: Moe's Monday (I promised my kids that if they'd eat cheap stuff all week, I'd save out enough money for this, which they adore. Lots of beans this week, only to eat more beans at a restaurant. Go figure. )


Gaby @ Tmuffin said...

Stopping by from Menu Plan Monday...

Your menu looks great! My husband hates beans. I love them, and they are so cheap, but I have trouble cooking with them this much because of him, so I'm jealous! Are you making your black bean burgers? I'm coming back for your stuffed pepper recipe tomorrow...that sounds amazing!

Janie said...

I keep hearing about black bean recipes - are the burgers good that way?

Stopping by from Menu Plan Monday