Monday, February 21, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

Grocery prices where I live have been climbing recently. It's time for me to consider increasing my grocery budget, but I haven't done it yet. So, for now, lots and lots of low-meat and bean based meals. Luckily, my kids count beans as their favorite foods (I know! I consider this very lucky as well), so we have them frequently without complaint. And, as always, meal planning lets me look ahead at the week, make sure I have everything I need, then make adjustments ahead of time to keep within my budget. Cause no one wants to eat steak on the first day of the pay period and ramen on the last!

Friday--homemade pepperoni pizza
Saturday--frito chili pie (lunch), chicken tettrazini, salad (supper)
Sunday--omelets, biscuits, sausage, potato pancakes (lunch), gumbo (supper)
Monday--red chilaquiles with chicken and avocado, refried beans
Tuesday--burritos with pinto beans, sweet potatoes, and collards
Wednesday--chicken and sausage etouffee, rice, salad
Thursday--salmon croquettes, rice, butter beans

As always, I'm linked to Meal Plan Monday at orgjunkie. Lots of great ideas over there!


LouAnneL said...

You are so right about food prices. We're trying to do some real tweaking to get the food budget in check. It's been such a challenge.

Your menu looks great. I found you through Organizing Junkie Menu Plan Monday and so glad I did. I'm now following you! :-)

Jenna @ Newlyweds said...

I am glad I am not the only that has noticed that prices are rising. We eat very healthy with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and yikes my food bill each month.

Jon said...

I've noticed the inflation too. I've resorted to buying/eating less. I just keep my grocery budget static and adjust around. I'm always hungry but almost under 200 first the first time in forever!