Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our week in tacos

This is a weekday breakfast tacos. Just scrambled eggs, topped with cheese and hot sauce.

Quesadillas. Our lunch staple.

Fish tacos. These are so easy. It's just a fish stick, some lettuce, and some sour cream.

This is a quick Korean meal. Our local store sells pre-marinated meat, which I stir-fried with scallions and rice balls (another Korean thing). I ate mine over rice, but Mike ate his as tacos. Korean tacos. Now that's Atlanta for you.

We're happy to share the taco love!

1 comment:

tammy said...

Mmmmm, love tacos. All kinds...but I have not tried fish tacos. I go places and see them on the menu, and can't bring myself to order them. I think I'm afraid that they will be disappointing as my whole meal. (although, my son has said they are really good!) Some day....maybe.