Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Figtastic Date Night!

Last week, I had one of those days. You know, those days. After giving up on naptime, I threw my kids in the car, and we drove to my mom's house to see her new puppies. The puppies were so cute. And the day was salvaged.

And then, beyond that, on the way home... One of my old-man neighbors had a little sign in his front yard.

Figs for sale

Oh blessed day. And suddenly, that day became a some kind of wonderful day. Figs have that power, you know. At least in my world.

I ate a bajillion of them raw, packed a few in Mike's lunch, and then I made fig preserves with the rest. There was about a pint of the preserve syrup left over. This is good stuff. The figs sat overnight in it, so the syrup is completely and totally figgy flavored. And, I didn't want it to go to waste.

So, I decided that it would become a special drink. I think it's my favorite one I've made so far. Even Mike had two of them. He called it fig preserves in a glass. And, that's about what it was, only better.

The cast of characters. Cranberry juice, orange flavor, lime, fig syrup

This is orange flavoring, made specifically for our seltzer machine. It's not sweet at all. Orange extract would be very similar.

The ratio is about 1/3 each cranberry, fig syrup, and seltzer. Add a drop of orange, and finish with a squeeze of lime. I bet you don't have just one!

You can even see some of the fig seeds floating. Very much summer in a glass.

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